PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE SOLUTION ================================ Before you start, remember - if you want to watch any of the reels of film in the game, then you can either watch them in the editing room of Cheapflik Studios or any of the project booths you come across. At the start of the game, you`ll find yourself in the producer`s office. Go in the hall, then down to the foyer, Walk into the street, pass Joe`s Diner and into the Hub Cap Bar. Talk to the woman (if it is a woman) by the bar. She will mention Vlad the Impaler St, which is where Bela Lugosi used to live. Talk to the barman, and buy the bottle of rum from him. Go back into the producer`s office, and see if he has gone. If he hasn`t, then keep going in and out of the studios for a while until he does. If you examine his desk, you will find a key for the editing room. Go in his private room on the right, and examine the pictures on the wall - in particular the one on the left. This will give you an address - Lot 9, Pleasant Rest, Highgate. Go downstairs and ask the doorman to call a cab, Tell the cabbie to take you to Lot 9, Pleasant Rest, Highgate. When you arrive at the cemetary, go through the gate and enter the crypt. Examine Bela`s body to discover a door key, then pick up the hammer. Get back in the cab, and go to Vlad the Impaler Street. Enter the house, then go left into the study. Examining the flyer on the table next to the books will reveal an advert for the local shopping mail. Pick up the pictures of Bela from the table, then examine the trophies on the rear wall. Push the one on the left, and a credit card will fall out. Leave the house and take the cab to Hypermega Mall. Press the lift call button, then go inside when the doors have opened. Press button two, then enter the Lycanthropository. Talk to the woman, use the credit (TrEx) card to buy the scary mask, then examine the mask and you`ll find a note with a key. Read the note, then go to the fifth floor and enter the Hardware Store. Say to the assistant: "Nice day for gatherin` corn", then examine the spade and buy it (using the credit card). Get a copy of your passport photo by using the passport with the photocopier. Go to the sixth floor, and enter the Bank. Talk to the teller, then change some of your money into the currencies of Washington, Brazil, Hong Kong and Australia. Examine the credit card and note the number on the back (350143). Hand the key you found in the mask to the teller and she`ll ask you for your deposit box number. Look at the range of numbers she offers, and pick the one closest to yours (530143). Open the box and take the reel of film (hooray!). Examine it, and you`ll see that it has the word `Wun` written on it. Next go to the Travel Agents on level three and buy a ticket to Rio (using the credit card). Leave the mall and go to the cemetary. Enter the gates, then go left where you will find a grave with a wooden cross. Use the spade on the grave three times to dig it up, then you should come across the second reel of film. The reel should be marked `Of`. Go to the airport, and give the ticket to the airline rep. Board the plane, then go inside the cockpit and talk to the pilot. Ask if he knows a place to stay, and note his name - he will tell you about something he left behind in Rio on his prevous visit. When you arrive in Rio get in the cab, and you will be taken to a hotel. Examine the book on the counter, and note the room number which the pilot stayed in. Ask for the same room, then go downstairs. Take the Pilot ID which is on the table, examine it for the Pilot`s address - 21 Aviation Way, Studio Town. Replace the photo with yours. Now leave and go to the cave on the beach. The bats will take the picture of Bela from you and leave you alone. Pick up the third reel of film, which will be marked `Lo`. Go to the airport, where a group of security guards will arrest you and take you to the police station (note: it`s a waste of time bribing the guards). After your trial you will find yourself in a cell. Give the bottle of rum to the guard, and he will leave - dropping a statuette on the way. Pick it up, and use the hammer on it. Inside you will find a slimy Deathhead Moth pupa (what kind of storyline is this, anyway?). Go to the airport, and give the Pilot ID to the rep. Fly home, then get a cab over to Aviation Way. Use the credit card to open the door, then drop the spade, small key, room key and house key. Pick up the scuba gear, then go into the back garden where you`ll find the fourth reel of film, marked `Property`. Go to the store room of the studio, then pick up the love beads. Take a cab to the airport, then give the Pilot ID to the rep, select Australia as your destination, then board the plane. Go to the beach, and talk to the sexy (?) bather say "Hi there! Nice Weather`, Then ask her if she would like the love beads. She will take them, and lead you to a hippy commune. Fly home, and go to the building site outside Cheapflik Studios. Talk to the two blokes about the hippy commune, then go to the diner and pick up the balloon. Go back to the store room in the studio, then drop the mask and the note. Pick up the dictionary, then fly back to Australia and go to the hippy commune again. Talk to the hippies about Fred and they will give you a reel of film marked `H.K.`. Go to the bridge on the left of the Sydney Opera House and talk to the painter. You will slip and fall in the water - quickly use the scuba gear before you drown. Pick up the crowbar, then use the balloon with the scuba gear. You will now shoot to the surface. Fly to Hong Kong, and talk to the movie mogul. He`ll tell you about the Netsuke which was stolen. Fly to Washington and talk to the chief, who`ll send you a Cuba. While you`re standing on the wharf, the guard will speak to you. To understand what he is saying, examine the dictionary. He will give cigars and a poster, so back to Washington and give them to the chief. He will send you to the Smithsonian Institute. Get in the taxi and when you arrive at the Institute give the slimy pupa to the curator. Go to the warehouse and examine the crates until you find one marked `O.R. Yental, Hong Kong`. Use the crowbar to open it, it will reveal the Netsuke and the last reel of film. Fly back to Hong Kong and give the Netsuke to the movie mogul who will give you an ancient talisman. Go to the border, then go across the wall to China. A group of Ninjas will jump out and take you to a monastery. Quickly give the talisman to the monks, who will take you to see the Aliens... Game Over, man... Game over.